TEAM 1 |
TEAM 2 |
31/08/2024 |
Tayport |
1-3 |
Dundee North End |
±0 |
Scottish FA Cup |
24/08/2024 |
Dundee North End |
3-1 |
Tayport |
+4 |
Midlands Lg. |
21/08/2024 |
Tayport |
4-2 |
Dundee Saint James |
+8 |
East Junior Cup |
17/08/2024 |
Tayport |
1-0 |
Forfar United |
-8 |
Midlands Lg. |
14/08/2024 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Blairgowrie |
+1 |
East Junior Cup |
10/08/2024 |
Tayport |
7-1 |
Forfar West End |
+12 |
Midlands Lg. |
03/08/2024 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Montrose Roselea |
-1 |
Midlands Lg. |
18/05/2024 |
Letham |
2-3 |
Tayport |
+8 |
Midlands Lg. |
15/05/2024 |
Dundee Saint James |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-16 |
Midlands Lg. |
11/05/2024 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Downfield |
-16 |
Midlands Lg. |
08/05/2024 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
2-1 |
Tayport |
+1 |
Midlands Lg. |
04/05/2024 |
Lochee Harp |
0-7 |
Tayport |
+27 |
Midlands Lg. |
27/04/2024 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Brechin Victoria |
-10 |
Midlands Lg. |
24/04/2024 |
Dundee North End |
5-0 |
Tayport |
-6 |
Midlands Lg. |
20/04/2024 |
Tayport |
3-3 |
Dundee Violet |
-7 |
Midlands Lg. |
17/04/2024 |
Tayport |
1-3 |
Broughty Athletic |
-5 |
Midlands Lg. |
13/04/2024 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Letham |
-1 |
Midlands Lg. |
30/03/2024 |
Tayport |
3-0 |
Coupar Angus |
+5 |
Midlands Lg. |
23/03/2024 |
Tayport |
0-1 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
-11 |
Midlands Lg. |
16/03/2024 |
Tayport |
0-2 |
East Craigie |
-15 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
09/03/2024 |
Forfar West End |
0-0 |
Tayport |
-9 |
Midlands Lg. |
02/03/2024 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Forfar United |
±0 |
Midlands Lg. |
24/02/2024 |
Arbroath Victoria |
1-4 |
Tayport |
+13 |
Midlands Lg. |
17/02/2024 |
Dyce |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+13 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
10/02/2024 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
+3 |
Midlands Lg. |
03/02/2024 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Scone Thistle |
-9 |
Midlands Lg. |
27/01/2024 |
East Craigie |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+15 |
Midlands Lg. |
06/01/2024 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Blairgowrie |
±0 |
Midlands Lg. |
25/11/2023 |
Montrose Roselea |
2-1 |
Tayport |
-7 |
Midlands Lg. |
18/11/2023 |
Brechin Victoria |
0-2 |
Tayport |
+8 |
Midlands Lg. |
11/11/2023 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Dundee North End |
+1 |
Midlands Lg. |
04/11/2023 |
Hurlford United |
6-0 |
Tayport |
-7 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
28/10/2023 |
Broughty Athletic |
3-2 |
Tayport |
+6 |
Midlands Lg. |
18/10/2023 |
Montrose Roselea |
0-3 |
Tayport |
+25 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
14/10/2023 |
Lochee United |
2-1 |
Tayport |
+8 |
Midlands Lg. |
30/09/2023 |
Tayport |
0-2 |
Lochee Harp |
-28 |
Midlands Lg. |
23/09/2023 |
Tayport |
0-4 |
Buckie Thistle |
-9 |
Scottish FA Cup |
16/09/2023 |
Coupar Angus |
1-4 |
Tayport |
+7 |
Midlands Lg. |
09/09/2023 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
1-0 |
Tayport |
-2 |
Midlands Lg. |
02/09/2023 |
Hill of Beath Hawthorn |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+16 |
Scottish FA Cup |
26/08/2023 |
Tayport |
0-5 |
Lochee United |
-18 |
Midlands Lg. |
23/08/2023 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Arbroath Victoria |
±0 |
Midlands Lg. |
19/08/2023 |
Forfar United |
2-5 |
Tayport |
+11 |
Midlands Lg. |
16/08/2023 |
Tayport |
0-0 |
East Craigie |
+3 |
Midlands Lg. |
12/08/2023 |
Scone Thistle |
2-2 |
Tayport |
-2 |
Midlands Lg. |
09/08/2023 |
Downfield |
4-1 |
Tayport |
-8 |
Midlands Lg. |
05/08/2023 |
Tayport |
7-2 |
Dundee Saint James |
+10 |
Midlands Lg. |
02/08/2023 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Forfar West End |
-3 |
Midlands Lg. |
29/07/2023 |
Blairgowrie |
1-1 |
Tayport |
-4 |
Midlands Lg. |
26/07/2023 |
Dundee Violet |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+2 |
Midlands Lg. |
22/07/2023 |
Tayport |
2-1 |
Montrose Roselea |
-1 |
Midlands Lg. |
27/05/2023 |
Dundee Violet |
3-3 |
Tayport |
-4 |
Midlands Lg. |
20/05/2023 |
Scone Thistle |
2-1 |
Tayport |
-16 |
Midlands Lg. |
13/05/2023 |
Tayport |
5-0 |
Blairgowrie |
+11 |
Midlands Lg. |
06/05/2023 |
Downfield |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+27 |
Midlands Lg. |
29/04/2023 |
Tayport |
1-0 |
Brechin Victoria |
-4 |
Midlands Lg. |
26/04/2023 |
East Craigie |
4-0 |
Tayport |
-10 |
Midlands Lg. |
22/04/2023 |
Lochee United |
5-1 |
Tayport |
-10 |
Midlands Lg. |
19/04/2023 |
Tayport |
0-1 |
Dundee Saint James |
-20 |
Midlands Lg. |
15/04/2023 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
4-2 |
Tayport |
+1 |
Midlands Lg. |
08/04/2023 |
Lochee Harp |
4-5 |
Tayport |
-2 |
Midlands Lg. |
01/04/2023 |
Forfar United |
2-4 |
Tayport |
+7 |
Midlands Lg. |
25/03/2023 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
+6 |
Midlands Lg. |
11/03/2023 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
-10 |
Midlands Lg. |
25/02/2023 |
Forfar United |
1-0 |
Tayport |
-14 |
Midlands Lg. Cup |
18/02/2023 |
Tayport |
5-1 |
Coupar Angus |
+7 |
Midlands Lg. |
11/02/2023 |
Brechin Victoria |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+3 |
Midlands Lg. |
04/02/2023 |
Tayport |
0-1 |
East Craigie |
-3 |
Midlands Lg. |
28/01/2023 |
Tayport |
1-0 |
Letham |
-3 |
Midlands Lg. |
14/01/2023 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Forfar West End |
+3 |
Midlands Lg. |
03/12/2022 |
Broughty Athletic |
4-2 |
Tayport |
-1 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
26/11/2022 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Broughty Athletic |
-17 |
Midlands Lg. |
12/11/2022 |
Blairgowrie |
0-2 |
Tayport |
+3 |
Midlands Lg. |
05/11/2022 |
Tayport |
0-4 |
Downfield |
-37 |
Midlands Lg. |
29/10/2022 |
Tayport |
0-4 |
Rutherglen Glencairn |
-19 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
22/10/2022 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
4-1 |
Tayport |
-20 |
Midlands Lg. |
15/10/2022 |
Tayport |
8-0 |
Forfar United |
+8 |
Midlands Lg. |
08/10/2022 |
Dundee North End |
1-0 |
Tayport |
-4 |
Midlands Lg. |
01/10/2022 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Dundee Violet |
-11 |
Midlands Lg. |
24/09/2022 |
Tayport |
7-1 |
Ardeer Thistle |
+14 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
03/09/2022 |
Arbroath Victoria |
2-2 |
Tayport |
-3 |
Midlands Lg. |
27/08/2022 |
Dundonald Bluebell |
3-1 |
Tayport |
-6 |
Scottish FA Cup |
24/08/2022 |
Coupar Angus |
0-2 |
Tayport |
-3 |
Midlands Lg. |
20/08/2022 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Arbroath Victoria |
+2 |
Midlands Lg. |
17/08/2022 |
Letham |
0-1 |
Tayport |
±0 |
Midlands Lg. |
13/08/2022 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Lochee Harp |
-5 |
Midlands Lg. |
10/08/2022 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Scone Thistle |
-7 |
Midlands Lg. |
06/08/2022 |
Forfar West End |
0-3 |
Tayport |
+11 |
Midlands Lg. |
03/08/2022 |
Dundee Saint James |
0-3 |
Tayport |
+5 |
Midlands Lg. |
30/07/2022 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Dundee North End |
-10 |
Midlands Lg. |
27/07/2022 |
Tayport |
0-1 |
Lochee United |
-1 |
Midlands Lg. |
23/07/2022 |
Broughty Athletic |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-9 |
Midlands Lg. |
04/06/2022 |
East Craigie |
5-1 |
Tayport |
-20 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
14/05/2022 |
Coupar Angus |
1-3 |
Tayport |
-5 |
Midlands Lg. |
07/05/2022 |
Tayport |
6-1 |
Brechin Victoria |
+7 |
Midlands Lg. |
04/05/2022 |
East Craigie |
1-1 |
Tayport |
+8 |
Midlands Lg. |
30/04/2022 |
Broughty Athletic |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+22 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
23/04/2022 |
Blairgowrie |
0-6 |
Tayport |
+22 |
Midlands Lg. |
16/04/2022 |
Dundee North End |
4-0 |
Tayport |
-18 |
Midlands Lg. Cup |
09/04/2022 |
Lochee Harp |
1-7 |
Tayport |
+16 |
Midlands Lg. |
02/04/2022 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
5-0 |
Tayport |
-12 |
Midlands Lg. |
26/03/2022 |
Forfar United |
0-6 |
Tayport |
+9 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
19/03/2022 |
Letham |
2-3 |
Tayport |
-1 |
Midlands Lg. |
12/03/2022 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
-17 |
Midlands Lg. |
05/03/2022 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Arbroath Victoria |
+1 |
Midlands Lg. |
26/02/2022 |
Tayport |
5-2 |
Forfar West End |
+4 |
Midlands Lg. |
12/02/2022 |
Tayport |
0-2 |
Broughty Athletic |
-17 |
Midlands Lg. |
05/02/2022 |
Lochee United |
0-2 |
Tayport |
+27 |
Midlands Lg. |
29/01/2022 |
Tayport |
1-0 |
Fraserburgh United |
-8 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
22/01/2022 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Downfield |
±0 |
Midlands Lg. |
19/01/2022 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Forfar United |
-2 |
Midlands Lg. |
15/01/2022 |
Scone Thistle |
1-6 |
Tayport |
+4 |
Midlands Lg. |
08/01/2022 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Dundee Violet |
+2 |
Midlands Lg. |
08/12/2021 |
Tayport |
1-0 |
Dundee Saint James |
-7 |
Midlands Lg. |
20/11/2021 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+10 |
Midlands Lg. |
13/11/2021 |
Dundee North End |
2-2 |
Tayport |
+3 |
Midlands Lg. |
06/11/2021 |
Brechin Victoria |
1-1 |
Tayport |
-9 |
Midlands Lg. |
30/10/2021 |
Tayport |
2-1 |
Lochee Harp |
-6 |
Midlands Lg. |
23/10/2021 |
Arbroath Victoria |
2-1 |
Tayport |
-17 |
Midlands Lg. |
09/10/2021 |
Tayport |
4-0 |
Blairgowrie |
+4 |
Midlands Lg. |
02/10/2021 |
Dundee Saint James |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+1 |
Midlands Lg. |
25/09/2021 |
Gartcairn |
5-2 |
Tayport |
-18 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
18/09/2021 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Letham |
-8 |
Midlands Lg. |
11/09/2021 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Arbroath Victoria |
-4 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
25/08/2021 |
Forfar West End |
2-5 |
Tayport |
+16 |
Midlands Lg. |
21/08/2021 |
Forres Thistle |
0-6 |
Tayport |
+11 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
18/08/2021 |
Tayport |
6-0 |
Coupar Angus |
±0 |
Midlands Lg. |
14/08/2021 |
Broughty Athletic |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+16 |
Midlands Lg. |
11/08/2021 |
Downfield |
3-2 |
Tayport |
-9 |
Midlands Lg. |
07/08/2021 |
Tayport |
1-4 |
Lochee United |
-18 |
Midlands Lg. |
04/08/2021 |
Tayport |
6-1 |
Scone Thistle |
+4 |
Midlands Lg. |
31/07/2021 |
Dundee Violet |
2-2 |
Tayport |
-9 |
Midlands Lg. |
28/07/2021 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
-7 |
Midlands Lg. |
24/07/2021 |
Tayport |
0-0 |
East Craigie |
-5 |
Midlands Lg. |
21/07/2021 |
Forfar United |
1-1 |
Tayport |
-12 |
Midlands Lg. |
17/07/2021 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Dundee North End |
+5 |
Midlands Lg. |
19/12/2020 |
East Craigie |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+17 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
12/12/2020 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Forfar West End |
+2 |
East Junior Superlg. South |
28/11/2020 |
Tayport |
7-0 |
Brechin Victoria |
+4 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
21/11/2020 |
Blairgowrie |
0-1 |
Tayport |
±0 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
07/03/2020 |
Tayport |
5-2 |
Dundee North End |
+16 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
29/02/2020 |
East Craigie |
3-2 |
Tayport |
-4 |
East Junior Lg. Cup |
08/02/2020 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+11 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
01/02/2020 |
Tayport |
0-1 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
-3 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
25/01/2020 |
Auchinleck Talbot |
2-1 |
Tayport |
+10 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
11/01/2020 |
Tayport |
5-0 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
+20 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
04/01/2020 |
Luncarty |
3-5 |
Tayport |
+19 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
28/12/2019 |
Tayport |
2-3 |
Lochee United |
-1 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
21/12/2019 |
Scone Thistle |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+4 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
14/12/2019 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Luncarty |
+16 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
07/12/2019 |
Broughty Athletic |
6-0 |
Tayport |
-11 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
23/11/2019 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+9 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
16/11/2019 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
5-0 |
Tayport |
-12 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
09/11/2019 |
Tayport |
0-0 |
Forfar West End |
-3 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
26/10/2019 |
Downfield |
3-4 |
Tayport |
+10 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
12/10/2019 |
Armadale Thistle |
4-5 |
Tayport |
+6 |
East Junior Cup |
05/10/2019 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Girvan |
+4 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
28/09/2019 |
Girvan |
5-5 |
Tayport |
-1 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
14/09/2019 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Forfar West End |
-12 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
07/09/2019 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Scone Thistle |
-15 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
31/08/2019 |
Tayport |
3-0 |
Brechin Victoria |
±0 |
East Junior Cup |
24/08/2019 |
Tayport |
3-7 |
Dundee North End |
-31 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
17/08/2019 |
Broughty Athletic |
3-0 |
Tayport |
-6 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
14/08/2019 |
Tayport |
2-3 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
-6 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
07/08/2019 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
-17 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
03/08/2019 |
Downfield |
0-0 |
Tayport |
-3 |
East Junior Superlg. North |
11/05/2019 |
Tayport |
1-3 |
Forfar West End |
-24 |
East Junior Consolation Cup |
04/05/2019 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Blairgowrie |
-12 |
East Junior Consolation Cup |
01/05/2019 |
Forfar West End |
4-4 |
Tayport |
-1 |
East Junior Consolation Cup |
27/04/2019 |
Blairgowrie |
2-8 |
Tayport |
+17 |
East Junior Consolation Cup |
24/04/2019 |
Lochee United |
3-0 |
Tayport |
-7 |
East Junior Superlg. |
20/04/2019 |
Downfield |
0-2 |
Tayport |
+10 |
East Junior Superlg. |
13/04/2019 |
Kennoway Star Hearts |
3-5 |
Tayport |
+15 |
East Junior Superlg. |
30/03/2019 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
+16 |
East Junior Superlg. |
23/03/2019 |
Tayport |
4-3 |
Glenrothes |
-2 |
East Junior Superlg. |
09/03/2019 |
Forfar West End |
2-2 |
Tayport |
+1 |
East Junior Superlg. |
02/03/2019 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Broughty Athletic |
+12 |
East Junior Superlg. |
23/02/2019 |
Thornton Hibs |
2-1 |
Tayport |
±0 |
East Junior Superlg. |
16/02/2019 |
Lochee United |
3-2 |
Tayport |
+6 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
09/02/2019 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Whitburn |
-11 |
East Junior Superlg. |
26/01/2019 |
Tayport |
3-0 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
+9 |
East Junior Superlg. |
12/01/2019 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Lochee Harp |
-1 |
East Junior Lg. Cup |
08/12/2018 |
Downfield |
2-3 |
Tayport |
+6 |
East Junior Lg. Cup |
01/12/2018 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Lochee Harp |
+3 |
East Junior Lg. Cup |
24/11/2018 |
Fauldhouse United |
1-1 |
Tayport |
+2 |
East Junior Superlg. |
17/11/2018 |
Tayport |
0-2 |
Lochee United |
-4 |
East Junior Superlg. |
10/11/2018 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Thornton Hibs |
-20 |
East Junior Superlg. |
03/11/2018 |
Tayport |
2-3 |
Downfield |
-16 |
East Junior Lg. Cup |
27/10/2018 |
Tayport |
1-5 |
Rossvale |
-30 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
20/10/2018 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
1-1 |
Tayport |
+3 |
East Junior Superlg. |
13/10/2018 |
Tayport |
3-0 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
+6 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
06/10/2018 |
Whitburn |
3-2 |
Tayport |
-9 |
East Junior Superlg. |
29/09/2018 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Port Glasgow |
+4 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
22/09/2018 |
Tayport |
2-1 |
Forfar West End |
-1 |
East Junior Superlg. |
15/09/2018 |
Glenrothes |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-17 |
East Junior Superlg. |
08/09/2018 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Fauldhouse United |
+10 |
East Junior Superlg. |
01/09/2018 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
3-2 |
Tayport |
-1 |
East Junior Cup |
25/08/2018 |
Broughty Athletic |
1-0 |
Tayport |
-1 |
East Junior Superlg. |
18/08/2018 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Downfield |
+3 |
East Junior Superlg. |
11/08/2018 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
2-1 |
Tayport |
-11 |
East Junior Superlg. |
04/08/2018 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Kennoway Star Hearts |
+4 |
East Junior Superlg. |
02/06/2018 |
Fauldhouse United |
0-4 |
Tayport |
+33 |
East Junior Premier |
26/05/2018 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Blackburn United |
-5 |
East Junior Premier |
19/05/2018 |
Bathgate Thistle |
2-1 |
Tayport |
-12 |
East Junior Premier |
12/05/2018 |
Saint Andrews United |
0-4 |
Tayport |
+18 |
East Junior Premier |
05/05/2018 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Tranent Juniors |
-4 |
East Junior Premier |
28/04/2018 |
Haddington Athletic |
2-1 |
Tayport |
-2 |
East Junior Premier |
25/04/2018 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Downfield |
+4 |
East Junior Premier |
21/04/2018 |
Whitburn |
1-1 |
Tayport |
-2 |
East Junior Premier |
18/04/2018 |
Thornton Hibs |
2-3 |
Tayport |
+13 |
East Junior Premier |
14/04/2018 |
Tayport |
3-4 |
Musselburgh Athletic |
-4 |
East Junior Premier |
07/04/2018 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Thornton Hibs |
-1 |
East Junior Premier |
31/03/2018 |
Dalkeith Thistle |
1-4 |
Tayport |
+21 |
East Junior Premier |
24/03/2018 |
Hermes |
4-2 |
Tayport |
-15 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
10/03/2018 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Bathgate Thistle |
-5 |
East Junior Premier |
17/02/2018 |
Tayport |
2-1 |
Hall Russell United |
-7 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
10/02/2018 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Arniston Rangers |
-6 |
East Junior Premier |
03/02/2018 |
Tayport |
5-0 |
Brechin Victoria |
+1 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
27/01/2018 |
Dunbar United |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+12 |
East Junior Premier |
06/01/2018 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
-4 |
East Junior Premier |
02/12/2017 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Broughty Athletic |
+20 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
18/11/2017 |
Tayport |
2-3 |
Saint Andrews United |
-14 |
East Junior Premier |
11/11/2017 |
Tayport |
0-2 |
Linlithgow Rose |
-7 |
East Junior Cup |
04/11/2017 |
Tayport |
4-0 |
Dalkeith Thistle |
+19 |
East Junior Premier |
28/10/2017 |
Glenrothes |
2-2 |
Tayport |
+1 |
East Junior Premier |
14/10/2017 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Whitburn |
-8 |
East Junior Premier |
07/10/2017 |
Downfield |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+3 |
East Junior Premier |
30/09/2017 |
Arniston Rangers |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+6 |
East Junior Premier |
23/09/2017 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Cumbernauld United |
-15 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
16/09/2017 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Haddington Athletic |
+5 |
East Junior Premier |
09/09/2017 |
Blackburn United |
2-1 |
Tayport |
-5 |
East Junior Premier |
26/08/2017 |
Tayport |
1-4 |
Fauldhouse United |
-29 |
East Junior Premier |
19/08/2017 |
Tranent Juniors |
0-3 |
Tayport |
+30 |
East Junior Premier |
16/08/2017 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-14 |
East Junior Premier |
12/08/2017 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Dunbar United |
±0 |
East Junior Premier |
09/08/2017 |
Tayport |
6-2 |
Glenrothes |
+13 |
East Junior Premier |
05/08/2017 |
Musselburgh Athletic |
6-2 |
Tayport |
-14 |
East Junior Premier |
28/05/2017 |
Broughty Athletic |
5-1 |
Tayport |
-24 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
20/05/2017 |
Tayport |
6-0 |
Downfield |
+16 |
East Junior Premier |
06/05/2017 |
Sauchie Juniors |
2-1 |
Tayport |
-1 |
East Junior Premier |
29/04/2017 |
Tayport |
0-0 |
Glenrothes |
-8 |
East Junior Premier |
26/04/2017 |
Dundee Violet |
1-2 |
Tayport |
±0 |
East Junior Premier |
22/04/2017 |
Kirriemuir Thistle |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+19 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
15/04/2017 |
Bathgate Thistle |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+17 |
East Junior Premier |
08/04/2017 |
Saint Andrews United |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+5 |
East Junior Premier |
01/04/2017 |
Tranent Juniors |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+10 |
East Junior Premier |
25/03/2017 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Arniston Rangers |
-11 |
East Junior Premier |
18/03/2017 |
Dalkeith Thistle |
1-0 |
Tayport |
-4 |
East Junior Premier |
11/03/2017 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
+13 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
04/03/2017 |
Tayport |
3-4 |
Kennoway Star Hearts |
-10 |
East Junior Premier |
18/02/2017 |
Downfield |
1-5 |
Tayport |
+31 |
East Junior Premier |
11/02/2017 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Armadale Thistle |
+1 |
East Junior Premier |
04/02/2017 |
Tayport |
7-1 |
Sunnybank |
+6 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
21/01/2017 |
Tayport |
2-2 p |
Jeanfield Swifts |
±0 |
East Junior Cup |
07/01/2017 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Bathgate Thistle |
-3 |
East Junior Premier |
17/12/2016 |
Whitburn |
2-2 |
Tayport |
+4 |
East Junior Premier |
10/12/2016 |
Tayport |
4-3 |
Haddington Athletic |
+3 |
East Junior Premier |
12/11/2016 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Saint Andrews United |
-4 |
East Junior Premier |
05/11/2016 |
Kennoway Star Hearts |
3-2 |
Tayport |
-4 |
East Junior Premier |
29/10/2016 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Sauchie Juniors |
+4 |
East Junior Premier |
22/10/2016 |
Blantyre Victoria |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-8 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
15/10/2016 |
Glenrothes |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-15 |
East Junior Premier |
08/10/2016 |
Tayport |
1-0 |
Forfar West End |
+3 |
East Junior Premier |
24/09/2016 |
Arniston Rangers |
1-1 |
Tayport |
+4 |
East Junior Premier |
10/09/2016 |
Tayport |
2-1 |
Dalkeith Thistle |
±0 |
East Junior Premier |
03/09/2016 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Forfar Albion |
-4 |
East Junior Cup |
27/08/2016 |
Haddington Athletic |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+20 |
East Junior Premier |
20/08/2016 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Whitburn |
+13 |
East Junior Premier |
17/08/2016 |
Tayport |
2-1 |
Dundee Violet |
-2 |
East Junior Premier |
13/08/2016 |
Armadale Thistle |
1-1 |
Tayport |
+1 |
East Junior Premier |
10/08/2016 |
Forfar West End |
3-2 |
Tayport |
-2 |
East Junior Premier |
06/08/2016 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Tranent Juniors |
-3 |
East Junior Premier |
28/05/2016 |
Camelon Juniors |
5-3 |
Tayport |
-5 |
East Junior Superlg. |
21/05/2016 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Kelty Hearts |
-10 |
East Junior Superlg. |
11/05/2016 |
Broughty Athletic |
1-0 |
Tayport |
+2 |
East Junior Superlg. |
07/05/2016 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Bo'ness United |
-10 |
East Junior Superlg. |
30/04/2016 |
Hill of Beath Hawthorn |
3-4 |
Tayport |
+16 |
East Junior Superlg. |
23/04/2016 |
Kelty Hearts |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+20 |
East Junior Superlg. |
20/04/2016 |
Tayport |
0-4 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
-25 |
East Junior Superlg. |
16/04/2016 |
Tayport |
1-5 |
Linlithgow Rose |
-14 |
East Junior Superlg. |
13/04/2016 |
Saint Andrews United |
1-0 |
Tayport |
-3 |
East Junior Superlg. |
09/04/2016 |
Musselburgh Athletic |
3-2 |
Tayport |
+2 |
East Junior Superlg. |
02/04/2016 |
Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic |
2-1 |
Tayport |
+7 |
East Junior Superlg. |
26/03/2016 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Broxburn Athletic |
+16 |
East Junior Superlg. |
12/03/2016 |
Tayport |
4-2 |
Penicuik Athletic |
+17 |
East Junior Superlg. |
05/03/2016 |
Newtongrange Star |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+19 |
East Junior Superlg. |
27/02/2016 |
Fauldhouse United |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-3 |
East Junior Superlg. |
20/02/2016 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Sauchie Juniors |
+3 |
East Junior Superlg. |
06/02/2016 |
Tayport |
3-3 p |
Dunbar United |
-6 |
East Junior Cup |
23/01/2016 |
Kilbirnie Ladeside |
3-0 |
Tayport |
-3 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
09/01/2016 |
Bo'ness United |
3-0 |
Tayport |
-1 |
East Junior Superlg. |
19/12/2015 |
Tayport |
0-4 |
Hill of Beath Hawthorn |
-22 |
East Junior Superlg. |
12/12/2015 |
Tayport |
1-2 |
Broughty Athletic |
-5 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
28/11/2015 |
Muirkirk Juniors |
0-5 |
Tayport |
+9 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
21/11/2015 |
Tayport |
0-0 |
Muirkirk Juniors |
-13 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
14/11/2015 |
Tayport |
2-4 |
Broughty Athletic |
-15 |
East Junior Superlg. |
07/11/2015 |
Kelty Hearts |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+20 |
East Junior Cup |
31/10/2015 |
Parkvale |
4-5 |
Tayport |
+1 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
17/10/2015 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic |
-11 |
East Junior Superlg. |
10/10/2015 |
Penicuik Athletic |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-2 |
East Junior Superlg. |
03/10/2015 |
Tayport |
0-6 |
Musselburgh Athletic |
-38 |
East Junior Superlg. |
26/09/2015 |
Lochee Harp |
1-2 |
Tayport |
-5 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
19/09/2015 |
Sauchie Juniors |
3-1 |
Tayport |
-5 |
East Junior Superlg. |
12/09/2015 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Fauldhouse United |
-26 |
East Junior Superlg. |
29/08/2015 |
Broxburn Athletic |
1-3 |
Tayport |
+23 |
East Junior Superlg. |
22/08/2015 |
Tayport |
2-1 |
Camelon Juniors |
+7 |
East Junior Superlg. |
19/08/2015 |
Carnoustie Panmure |
1-0 |
Tayport |
-3 |
East Junior Superlg. |
15/08/2015 |
Tayport |
0-3 |
Newtongrange Star |
-18 |
East Junior Superlg. |
12/08/2015 |
Tayport |
1-4 |
Saint Andrews United |
-30 |
East Junior Superlg. |
08/08/2015 |
Linlithgow Rose |
1-1 |
Tayport |
+8 |
East Junior Superlg. |
30/05/2015 |
Tayport |
0-1 |
Bathgate Thistle |
-19 |
East Junior Premier |
27/05/2015 |
Dundee North End |
1-4 |
Tayport |
+13 |
East Junior Premier |
23/05/2015 |
Oakley United |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+1 |
East Junior Premier |
20/05/2015 |
Tayport |
4-0 |
Kinnoull |
+2 |
East Junior Premier |
18/05/2015 |
Jeanfield Swifts |
0-4 |
Tayport |
+27 |
East Junior Premier |
15/05/2015 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Dundee North End |
+11 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
09/05/2015 |
Edinburgh United |
3-2 |
Tayport |
-12 |
East Junior Premier |
02/05/2015 |
Arniston Rangers |
4-3 |
Tayport |
-7 |
East Junior Premier |
29/04/2015 |
Tayport |
0-0 |
Montrose Roselea |
-7 |
East Junior Premier |
25/04/2015 |
Tayport |
0-1 |
Broughty Athletic |
-12 |
East Junior Premier |
22/04/2015 |
Tayport |
2-1 |
Glenrothes |
-3 |
East Junior Premier |
18/04/2015 |
Saint Andrews United |
1-4 |
Tayport |
+26 |
East Junior Premier |
15/04/2015 |
Forfar West End |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+6 |
East Junior Premier |
11/04/2015 |
Blairgowrie |
1-6 |
Tayport |
+26 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
04/04/2015 |
Tayport |
4-2 |
Jeanfield Swifts |
+8 |
East Junior Premier |
28/03/2015 |
Dalkeith Thistle |
0-2 |
Tayport |
+19 |
East Junior Premier |
21/03/2015 |
Scone Thistle |
1-2 |
Tayport |
-2 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
14/03/2015 |
Tayport |
1-0 |
Dundonald Bluebell |
+3 |
East Junior Premier |
07/03/2015 |
Tayport |
0-1 |
Jeanfield Swifts |
-13 |
East Junior Cup |
28/02/2015 |
Dundee Violet |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+5 |
East Junior Premier |
21/02/2015 |
Culter |
1-4 |
Tayport |
+22 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
14/02/2015 |
Bathgate Thistle |
1-2 |
Tayport |
+7 |
East Junior Premier |
10/01/2015 |
Tayport |
0-2 |
Oakley United |
-27 |
East Junior Premier |
20/12/2014 |
Tayport |
0-2 |
Arniston Rangers |
-26 |
East Junior Premier |
29/11/2014 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Downfield |
+2 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
22/11/2014 |
Tayport |
3-2 |
Forfar West End |
+3 |
East Junior Premier |
15/11/2014 |
Kinnoull |
0-6 |
Tayport |
+12 |
East Junior Premier |
08/11/2014 |
East Craigie |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+5 |
Inter-Regional Cup |
01/11/2014 |
Tayport |
4-1 |
Saint Andrews United |
+16 |
East Junior Premier |
25/10/2014 |
Tayport |
2-4 |
Bonnyrigg Rose Athletic |
-10 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
18/10/2014 |
Broughty Athletic |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+13 |
East Junior Premier |
11/10/2014 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Cruden Bay |
-7 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
27/09/2014 |
Cruden Bay |
2-2 |
Tayport |
-13 |
Scottish Junior Cup |
20/09/2014 |
Tayport |
3-1 |
Dundee North End |
+7 |
East Junior Premier |
13/09/2014 |
Montrose Roselea |
2-0 |
Tayport |
-16 |
East Junior Premier |
30/08/2014 |
Tayport |
2-2 |
Dalkeith Thistle |
-6 |
East Junior Premier |
23/08/2014 |
Glenrothes |
0-1 |
Tayport |
+7 |
East Junior Premier |
16/08/2014 |
Tayport |
2-0 |
Edinburgh United |
+8 |
East Junior Premier |
09/08/2014 |
Dundonald Bluebell |
3-2 |
Tayport |
-3 |
East Junior Premier |
06/08/2014 |
Tayport |
1-1 |
Dundee Violet |
-6 |
East Junior Premier |